Daily Practice

Onwards Inwards

Silence meditation:
Sotting in silence together: every Tuesday 16:30 -17:15 hrs
Onwards Inwards: Online every Wednesday 13:00-13:30 hrs

The element of meditation started during the exhibition of Jenna Tas with a metta meditation on 21st November 2019 guided by Coby van Herk. Due to Covid-19 it wasn’t possible to organize more meditations in space. With the exhibition of Moosje M Goosen end of March 2020 the element of online silence meditation was introduced, every Wednesday between 13.00-13.30hrs. This is still going on and is titled Onwards Inwards since 1st July 2020, referring partly to the title of Moosje M Goosen’s exhibition ‘On Wards’.

This silence meditation is not guided and therefore for meditators who at least have received an introduction to meditation. If you are interested to participate, please send an email. 15 minutes before the meditation starts you will receive a link, at this moment via jitsi, to join. You are not obliged to be present every week.

At 1 pm there is one strike with the sound bowl to start the meditation. At 1.30 pm there are three strikes. The meditation is over. In general everyone logs out immediately, back to work, life, art. You can consider it a break and silent reflection in the middle of the week with a number of people who wish to practice the same.

Together with Moosje M Goosen Daily Practice has participated in 84 Steps on the 3rd floor of Kunstinstituut Melly in Rotterdam from April 2021 – September 24 2023. Goosen’s text work On Wards was on show, Daily Practice (Suzanne Weenink) designed a wooden meditation floor titled Inwards which had been translated to a physical beautiful floor by Studio Bart Stoffijn. Nienke Terpsma made great and comfortable meditation cushions.
Within this exhibition frame Daily Practice provided biweekly silence meditations of 30 minutes on Tuesday from 16.30 – 17.00 hrs. Since 21st June 2021, also within the frame of 84 Steps, Daily Practice organized a silence meditation day retreat from 9.00 – 15.00 hrs to mark the change of the season. The last retreat Summer Solstice Inwards happened on 19 June 2023 – also the birthday of Suzanne Weenink – at Kunstinstituut Melly.

Since 14Nov 2023 there is space for a communal weekly silent meditation. Every Tuesday from 16:30-17:15. Added with meditation sessions for special occasions, directed by life and art. Since June2024 the Inwards floor of Kunstiinstituut Melly has been recycled and reconstructed at home, in the living room, and thus provides a new space for silence and turning inwards.

Please send an email if you’re interested or have any questions.