The first exhibition in Daily Practice shows recent work by Jenna Tas. Jenna Tas lives and works in Rotterdam West. On 27th September 2019 she celebrated her 87th birthday. She asks herself straightforward questions about her legacy.
For Jenna Tas (1933) transience is a theme that is always present in her work. But in recent years, this theme has become concrete and practical due to her age. Jenna Tas is consciously concerned with the finitude of her life and asks herself straightforward questions about her artistic legacy. As far as she is concerned, there must be tidying up. But cleaning up doesn’t equal throwing away. Previous wax paintings, which Jenna Tas no longer considered good enough, she painted over with white wax. Seeing, treating the already present surface, putting the work aside, picking it up again, coincidences, determining whether a painting is finished or not: Jenna Tas encountered the questions that are always there when a work is being made. And so this old work has paradoxically become new work. It is not without reason that the title of this exhibition is ‘Sing on’.
One can also have a look at a long list of stuff and materials. All these items can be collected free of charge by appointment in the studio of Jenna Tas on the Ruilstraat.
At 21. November 2019 vipassana meditation teacher Coby van Herk will be guiding a metta -loving kindness- meditation in the space of Daily Practice, surrounded by the paintings of Jenna Tas.
Daily Practice
Suzanne Weenink